
Welcome Annie Lundberg!

It is a pleasure to welcome Annie Lundberg to UHT. Annie is working as Process Engineer in our team of metallurgists supporting customers in process design, calculations, and evaluations. 

Although Annie has only been working at UHT for just a few months, she is already well acquainted with UHT’s steel production management system UTCAS®, which she uses on a daily basis for calculations and process design. 

– It was easy to get into the software – it is very user-friendly, and I got great support from my colleagues. With UTCAS I can make advanced calculations with several different parameters and help customers by designing processes according to their specific needs and requirements, Annie says. 

She also explains how the team quickly can set up standard operating procedures for metal processing in UTCAS and then adjust them to simulate and evaluate processes according to different production scenarios. With UTCAS she can also visualize the process and directly see if something needs to be corrected. 

Annie knew early on that she wanted to study something within science, which she has always been interested in, but she was not sure just what.  

– After high school, I started studying molecular biology, but I soon realised that it was not quite what I was looking for. When I was introduced to material science, I immediately felt that this was the right field for me. I like that it is an interdisciplinary science with both chemistry and physics and that it has practical applications.  

She now has a master’s degree in material science and engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), in Stockholm, and started first to work with material applications and tests but realised soon that she wanted to be closer to the production and process design of metals which is why she applied for a job at UHT. 

– I enjoy thermodynamics and calculating different process designs, and I think it is fun to help customers produce what they aim for. Sometimes our customers know exactly what they are after when they contact us, but sometimes they seek more advise and then we are able to guide them in the best direction when it comes to costs, raw materials, and gas flows for example.

Annie describes herself as someone who wants to get an understanding of things based on facts and data analysis rather than trusting a gut feeling. Therefore, she says, it was a pleasant surprise to learn that knowledge-sharing and documentation are something that since long have been implemented in UHT’s way of working. According to Annie, this both gives her a solid ground for decision-making and decentralises knowledge within the company. 

Maybe Annie’s fascination with chemistry and physics is also why she has a keen interest in cooking and baking.

– Cooking, baking, and growing plants are my favourite things to do. I really like trying out new recipes and going to new inspiring restaurants, Annie says with a smile.


Annie Lundberg

Welcome Annie Lundberg!

It is a pleasure to welcome Annie Lundberg to UHT. Annie is working as Process Engineer in our team of metallurgists supporting customers in process design, calculations, and evaluations. 

Although Annie has only been working at UHT for just a few months, she is already well acquainted with UHT’s steel production management system UTCAS®, which she uses on a daily basis for calculations and process design. 

– It was easy to get into the software – it is very user-friendly, and I got great support from my colleagues. With UTCAS I can make advanced calculations with several different parameters and help customers by designing processes according to their specific needs and requirements, Annie says. 

She also explains how the team quickly can set up standard operating procedures for metal processing in UTCAS and then adjust them to simulate and evaluate processes according to different production scenarios. With UTCAS she can also visualize the process and directly see if something needs to be corrected. 

Annie knew early on that she wanted to study something within science, which she has always been interested in, but she was not sure just what.  

– After high school, I started studying molecular biology, but I soon realised that it was not quite what I was looking for. When I was introduced to material science, I immediately felt that this was the right field for me. I like that it is an interdisciplinary science with both chemistry and physics and that it has practical applications.  

She now has a master’s degree in material science and engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), in Stockholm, and started first to work with material applications and tests but realised soon that she wanted to be closer to the production and process design of metals which is why she applied for a job at UHT. 

– I enjoy thermodynamics and calculating different process designs, and I think it is fun to help customers produce what they aim for. Sometimes our customers know exactly what they are after when they contact us, but sometimes they seek more advise and then we are able to guide them in the best direction when it comes to costs, raw materials, and gas flows for example.

Annie describes herself as someone who wants to get an understanding of things based on facts and data analysis rather than trusting a gut feeling. Therefore, she says, it was a pleasant surprise to learn that knowledge-sharing and documentation are something that since long have been implemented in UHT’s way of working. According to Annie, this both gives her a solid ground for decision-making and decentralises knowledge within the company. 

Maybe Annie’s fascination with chemistry and physics is also why she has a keen interest in cooking and baking.

– Cooking, baking, and growing plants are my favourite things to do. I really like trying out new recipes and going to new inspiring restaurants, Annie says with a smile.


Annie Lundberg

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