News & stories2023-10-30T15:16:10+01:00

News & Stories

Here you will find our latest news & stories on advanced metal processing granulation and refining operations.

  • Nellie Andersson Lans

Welcome Nellie

November 28, 2024|

It is a pleasure to welcome Nellie Andersson Lans to UHT. Nellie is working as Project Engineer and [...]

UHT Hackathon 2024

February 6, 2024|

Utveckla ett spel och lär dig mer om programmering! När: 9 mars, kl 9-20 Var: Görsjövägen 3, Hagfors För vem: Gymnasieelever - inga [...]

  • nytt jobb maskinkonstruktör


December 19, 2024|

Vill du kickstarta din karriär som maskinkonstruktör? Vi söker en teknikintresserad och nyutexaminerad ingenjör som vill bli en del [...]


November 25, 2024|

Tjänsten är tillsatt. Se gärna vår karriärsida för fler jobberbjudanden. Vill du växa med oss och vara en del [...]

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Talk to an expert

Our mission is to support advanced metal producers to refine their metal processing, increase value, and stay competitive.

Our heritage makes us understand requirements on operations to perform. We focus on stability, throughput and safety, while preparing for the future demands driven by the global transitions.

Fill in the form and book a meeting with one of our experts to discuss your current situation, business objecives and options to obtain a more effeicient metals production.

Just fill in the form and we will get back to you and find a time that suites you for a meeting.
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