New functionalities to make your steelmaking operations world-class
UTCAS steel production management system Q1 2022 updates
Steel production is a challenging business with fierce competition. Staying on top of costs is crucial. The UTCAS® system has assisted steelmakers for decades to achieve a world-class processing, with maximum performance at minimum cost.
We are happy to announce that new functions in the UTCAS® steel production management system are now released. Existing and new customers will have the opportunity to explore a variety of new and extended functions for an improved steelmaking operation.
Below follows a selection of new features added in the upcoming release.
Data is everything in the era of digitalised production – improved process performance evaluation
The UTCAS® Replay functionality is widely used by engineers to investigate specific heats and by operators to learn from previous processing. The new version now adds selected information as part of the Replay functionality. Any information available in the report database, e.g. operator comments are now made available to post together with the Replay heat data. As an example, this could be operator comments related to the heat studied.
The UTCAS® Process Evaluation has been equipped with powerful selection and grouping functionality to allow the process engineer to perform even more advanced filtering and make use of complex triggering expressions.
KPI live display functionality has been added to allow the operator to follow selected key performance indicators in the process view interface, raising the operator’s awareness of processing performance on critical indicators.
Improve your AOD processing by selecting strategies – new possibilities to improve performance
The UTCAS® ProcModeCon function allows for the AOD process engineer to select a processing strategy to be applied when designing the SOP for a specific steel grade (group). The available strategies at this time include:
- Maximise CRE during the AOD decarburisation period.
- Prioritise temperature control during the AOD processing.
- Minimise the processing time of AOD processing.
- Match product quality and processing capabilities
The UTCAS® Optimiser now allows for local optimisation on processing step levels to make it possible to perform very different types of processing in a single sequence using a common SOP.
Several added functions for improved gas flow control during blowing such as shroud gas regulation and gas type selection, and gas burst control for rapid nitrogen and temperature adjustments.
UTCAS® is now available for induction furnace – handle your refining and melting facilities in a single system.
Existing UTCAS® may be applied to many steelmaking operations such as EAF, AOD, CLU, LF/LMF, TS, VD/VTD, and VOD. The latest process to be welcomed into the UTCAS® family is induction furnace (IF) where all the UTCAS® trademark functionalities are included:
- Standard operating practice
- Process optimisation
- Tracking and prediction model calculations.
- What if calculations and manual adjustments
- Data collection, evaluation, and reports
Ladles in transit – keep track of all events
The UTCAS® Heat in Transit functionality has been extended with full tracking functionality to ensure that a correct heat state (temperature and composition) is always presented by UTCAS®, also after long periods of the ladle idling between processing stations.
UTCAS® may also consider ladle processing actions such as deslagging, manual additions, chemical analysis, or temperature measurements.
Demonstration of UTCAS®
See the latest release of UTCAS® in action.
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New functionalities to make your steelmaking operations world-class
UTCAS steel production management system Q1 2022 updates
Steel production is a challenging business with fierce competition. Staying on top of costs is crucial. The UTCAS® system has assisted steelmakers for decades to achieve a world-class processing, with maximum performance at minimum cost.
We are happy to announce that new functions in the UTCAS® steel production management system are now released. Existing and new customers will have the opportunity to explore a variety of new and extended functions for an improved steelmaking operation.
Below follows a selection of new features added in the upcoming release.
Data is everything in the era of digitalised production – improved process performance evaluation
The UTCAS® Replay functionality is widely used by engineers to investigate specific heats and by operators to learn from previous processing. The new version now adds selected information as part of the Replay functionality. Any information available in the report database, e.g. operator comments are now made available to post together with the Replay heat data. As an example, this could be operator comments related to the heat studied.
The UTCAS® Process Evaluation has been equipped with powerful selection and grouping functionality to allow the process engineer to perform even more advanced filtering and make use of complex triggering expressions.
KPI live display functionality has been added to allow the operator to follow selected key performance indicators in the process view interface, raising the operator’s awareness of processing performance on critical indicators.
Improve your AOD processing by selecting strategies – new possibilities to improve performance
The UTCAS® ProcModeCon function allows for the AOD process engineer to select a processing strategy to be applied when designing the SOP for a specific steel grade (group). The available strategies at this time include:
- Maximise CRE during the AOD decarburisation period.
- Prioritise temperature control during the AOD processing.
- Minimise the processing time of AOD processing.
- Match product quality and processing capabilities
The UTCAS® Optimiser now allows for local optimisation on processing step levels to make it possible to perform very different types of processing in a single sequence using a common SOP.
Several added functions for improved gas flow control during blowing such as shroud gas regulation and gas type selection, and gas burst control for rapid nitrogen and temperature adjustments.
UTCAS® is now available for induction furnace – handle your refining and melting facilities in a single system.
Existing UTCAS® may be applied to many steelmaking operations such as EAF, AOD, CLU, LF/LMF, TS, VD/VTD, and VOD. The latest process to be welcomed into the UTCAS® family is induction furnace (IF) where all the UTCAS® trademark functionalities are included:
- Standard operating practice
- Process optimisation
- Tracking and prediction model calculations.
- What if calculations and manual adjustments
- Data collection, evaluation, and reports
Ladles in transit – keep track of all events
The UTCAS® Heat in Transit functionality has been extended with full tracking functionality to ensure that a correct heat state (temperature and composition) is always presented by UTCAS®, also after long periods of the ladle idling between processing stations.
UTCAS® may also consider ladle processing actions such as deslagging, manual additions, chemical analysis, or temperature measurements.
Demonstration of UTCAS®
See the latest release of UTCAS® in action.
Fill in the form below.
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